microPREP™ PRO


microPREP™ PRO系统的开发是为了提供高效的激光样品制备,以满足微结构诊断和故障诊断的需要。因此,通过使用microPREP™ PRO使用超短脉冲激光可以有效而经济地制备样品。

microPREP™ PRO允许建构复杂且具3D形状的样品,以便对某些结构进行更全面的分析例如在进阶封装上的硅通孔(TSVs)或甚至是完整的系统级封装(SiP)。


再者,通过皮秒激光的加工处理几乎可以确保没有结构损坏也没有材料的元素污染。另外,与纯离子束工艺相比,microPREP™ PRO的新颖方法具有更高的烧蚀率。

microPREP™ 的模块化软件设计可确保为广泛的微结构诊断技术的样品加工提供高度的灵活性。基于机器提供的与客户设计的参数设置(配方)microPREP™ PRO为以下的样品制备提供了最佳技术:

  • 扫描式电子显微镜 (SEM),
  • 穿透式电子显微镜 (TEM),
  • X射線顯微鏡
  • 原子探针断层扫描 (APT), 以及
  • 微机械测试。

通过不断的发展越来越多的应用领域正出现在市场上,其中microPREP™ PRO能够协助加工用于材料分析的样品制备。除此之外,还可以通过microPREP™ PRO对样品进行标记以便于追踪。



Frank Richter
Tel: +49 371 40043-222


TEM sample preparation workflow using laser ablation and broad ion beam milling.
2018, Poster, IMC19 – (Takanori Sato, Jacob Byrnes), Australian Centre for Microscopy & Microanalysis, The University of Sydney.

A combined laser ablation/focused ion beam approach to atom probe sample preparation.
2018, Poster, IMC19 – (Jacob Byrnes, Ingrid McCarroll, Katja Eder, Limei Yang, Julie Cairney), The University of Sydney.

Laser preparation of semiconductor devices for failure analysis.
2018, 11. Jenaer Lasertagung (3D-Micromac, Infineon, Thales, FhG-IMWS-CAM).

Laser-Micromachining for Failure Analysis: from TEM Sample Preparation to Large Area SEM Inspection.
2018, 7th CAM Workshop (3D-Micromac, Infineon, Bosch, FhG IMWS-CAM).

Rapid and localized ion-beam etching of surfaces using initial notches
2018,  Micron – (Busch, R.; Krause, M.; Coyle, S.; Höche, T.).

An Evaluation of Beam-Damage Zone in Si Wafer Machined by Gatan MicroPREPTM Laser-Ablation
2018, Microscopy and Microanalysis – (Zhao, W.; Bennett, C.; Sairam Pichumani, R.; Walker, G.; Eaton, K.; Hassel Shearer, M.; Dumas, L.; Brooks, I.; Wang, Y.).

A New, Efficient Method for Preparation of 3D Integrated Systems by Laser Techniques
2018, IEEE 68th ECTC – (Klengel, R.; Klengel, S.; Schusser, G.; Krause, M.).

Nanoscale 3D X-ray Microscopy for High Density Multi-Chip Packaging FA
2018, ISTFA – (Schmidt, C.).


Combination of precise laser and FIB milling for TEM based IC failure analysis
2017, ESREF – (F. Altmann, M. Simon-Najasek, S. Hübner, M. Lejoyeux).

Pico-Second Laser and Broad Argon Beam Tools for Characterization of Advanced Packages and Devices
2017, ISTFA – (Hassel Shearer, M.).

Pico-Second Laser and Broad Argon Beam Tools For Characterization Of Advanced Packages And Devices
2017, EFUG Workshop – (Richard, V.;Hassel Shearer, M.).

Novel sample preparation and High-Resolution X-ray tomography for Package FA
2017, IPFA – (Schmidt, C.; Kelly, S. T. ; Ying Wang ; S. T. Coyle ; Michael Hassel Shearer).


Laser based sample preparation for advanced packaging application
2016, EFUG – (Höche, T.; Krause, M.).

microPREP: A new laser tool for high-volume sample preparation
2016, IPFA Manuscript – (Wagner, U.; Petsch, T.; Krause, M.; Höche, T.).


A Novel Laser Tool for High-Volume Sample Preparation
2015, Laser-Technik-Journal (Thomas Höche , Michael Krause , Martin Ebert , Uwe Wagner , Mandy Gebhardt).

New Approach of Laser Processing of Transparent Materials
2015, Lasers in Manufacturing Conference – (Werner, M.; Zimny, R.; Grimm, M.).


microPREP – a new laser tool for high-throughput sample preparation
2014, 40th ISTFA (Krause, M.; Ebert, M.; Höche, T.; Wagner, U.).